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Plant Printed Artist Book
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Take a page by page look through Linda’s plant printed artist book. The book is hand made from a variety of plant printed papers. As you’ll see she’s added painted birds and insects, these are worked in watercolour, gouache and acrylic ink.
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Digital Quilting with Sketch
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Laura demonstrates the Sketch module of Premier+ embroidery software to show how it can be perfect for creative quilting. Please note that this class was originally published in 2016 and since then software will likely have been updated.
All Classes, Print, Free Classes, Sketchbook Flip-throughs
Plant Printed Sketchbook Flip-through
CourseTake a look through Linda’s plant printed sketchbook. The pages for this book were plant printed using her simple method. They were then bound together by Laura to make the book. Linda’s added drawing, stamping, painting with watercolour and acrylic.
All Classes, Sketchbook and Art Journal, Drawing, Free Classes
Don't Draw, Trace!
Course4.9 average rating (10 reviews)Whether you’re nervous of drawing, or are just looking for a new sketchbook technique, why not consider using tracing? This class will show you how.
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Handpainted Hands
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Create a layered painting in acrylic with a messy underpainting of bright colour, stencilled pattern and brush marks. Then overpaint with a negative painting of your own hand to make a personalised piece of art that’ll look beautiful in your home.
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