All Classes, To Wear, Fabric Painting
Inspired by Georgian Eyes
CourseOK, we admit it, this might be one of our more unusual projects! Inspired by beautiful Georgian jewellery that featured painted eyes, Linda's been making handpainted charms. These could be used as a brooch, or even a statement button!
All Classes, To Wear, Free Classes
Infinity Scarf
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)Learn how to make an infinity scarf. This is a quick sew and lovely made in cotton lawn or silk, perfect for a gift.
All Classes, To Wear
The Accordion Bag
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)A bag or a piece of sculpture? This bag cleverly expands with an accordion-like structure that gives the bag its name. See how Laura designed and made hers and how you can create your own version.
All Classes, To Wear, For Home
Paper Vessels and Jewellery
CourseTry recycling paper to make pulp to mould forms such as bowls. Linda with then show you how you can paint them for beautiful effects. Next she'll show you how to make special beads from precious papers and thread them for unique necklaces.
All Classes, To Wear, Quilting
Patchwork Portholes and Pockets
CourseLearn how to create a circular opening that can be cleverly sewn into a patchwork project, think funky porthole that enables layering of colour with glimpses through to underneath layers, or a circular feature that can be added to a garment.
All Classes, To Wear
Handmade Accessories
CourseJoin Linda to make three different handmade accessories. Needlefelt and hand embellish an iPad case (or bag or book cover if you prefer), personalise a ready-made scarf using soluble stabiliser and machine stitching, and make your own precious purse.
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