All Classes, Hand Stitch, To Wear, Fabric Painting
Paint Pounded Scarf
CourseCreate beautiful hand painted cloth with Linda’s special fabric painting technique, then selecting from your palette of fabrics make a unique scarf with hand worked, kantha style stitch.
All Classes, Print, Monoprint
Monoprint on Fabric
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Explore monoprinting methods on fabric. Print your own fabulous yardage with easy monoprint methods, try using tracing and stencils for impressive figurative compositions.
All Classes, Applique, Print, Monoprint
CourseUse monoprint with stencils to create a bird motif on fabric before adding appliqué and stitch to make a beautiful stitched textile that could be displayed as a wall quilt or made into a cushion.
All Classes, Mixed Media, Print, Monoprint
Monoprint + Pencil Crayon
CoursePencil crayon might sound like an unlikely companion to monoprint, but I’ve found it can be indispensable when taking a mixed media, layered approach. I’ll show you how pencil crayons can be used to add detail and painterly colour to your monoprints.
All Classes, Sketchbook and Art Journal
Moth Diary
CourseWork along with Linda to make your own visual diary to document your observations and collections. Linda’s focussing on one of her favourite subjects, moths, but your diary can document anything you like!
All Classes, Fabric Dyeing
Colour Exchange Dyeing
CourseCreate a family of fabrics and threads that will work beautifully together using colour exchange dyeing, a simple hand dyeing technique using minimal equipment and supplies.
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