All Classes, ATCs, Rubbings
ATCs Rubbing and Collage
CourseATCs or Artist Trading Cards are mini works of art! In this workshop Linda demonstrates how you can make beautiful ATCs using rubbings on vintage paper, collage and drawing with stencils.
All Classes, ATCs
ATCs Tracing and Painting
CourseLinda’s working on her collection of ATCs. These mini works of art provide the perfect opportunity to practice your skills. In this workshop Linda will show you how to transfer a motif using tracing, then paint it using acrylics teamed with pens.
All Classes, To Wear, Fabric Dyeing
Garment Dyeing
CourseLearn how to dye a garment, either a ready-made item or something you’ve sewn yourself. Laura will show you how to dye your clothes with minimal equipment and exciting results.
All Classes, Mixed Media
Mixed Media Panel: Girl with a Bird
CourseLinda really enjoyed making a set of ATCs recently and thought they had potential to be scaled up. See how she’s applied similar ideas to a larger mixed media panel to paint stylised portraits using acrylics, collage and stencilling.
All Classes, ATCs
Making ATC Books
CourseWhat are you going to do with all those ATCs? In this workshop Laura will show you several ways to use them including making tiny sketchbooks!
All Classes, Quilting
Story of a Quilt: Paintbox II
CourseDiscover the story behind Linda’s quilt Paintbox II. She’ll talk in detail about her thread choices and thought process when quilting the piece.
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