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    1. Welcome to the Altered Books: Secret Door Workshop

    1. Altered Books: Secret Door

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About this class

  • £2.00
  • 0 hours of video content
  • Work at your own pace
  • Share your work with fellow students

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Sherry Angell

4 star rating

“Love the technique. I would like to have seen how you glue pages together and how you hand stitch. Do you have to punch holes first to get needle through when hand stitching? What kind of glue do you use? Hi Sherry, thanks for your review. You ...”

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“Love the technique. I would like to have seen how you glue pages together and how you hand stitch. Do you have to punch holes first to get needle through when hand stitching? What kind of glue do you use? Hi Sherry, thanks for your review. You can use any paper glue that you have to hand. I sometimes use an acrylic matt gel, or sometimes just a glue stick. It really doesn't matter so just use whatever you prefer. When it comes to the stitching I find with a sharp needle that I didn't need to pierce holes first, but if you have thicker pages then you might find that helpful. Just place a cutting mat and an old eraser or blob of Blu Tack underneath the page and pierce through with a stiletto. Hope this helps. Laura”

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