Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Handprinted Sketchbooks workshop

    1. Printing

    2. Binding

    3. Cutting

    4. Pen and Wash

    5. Vintage Collage

    6. Flipthrough

    1. What's next?

About this course

  • £10.00
  • 1.5 hours of video content


Lin Tarrant

5 star rating

“I love this series and remember it from some years ago. I made a small book at the time and am still working into it. Some useful techniques and I will come back to it again. Thank you”

“I love this series and remember it from some years ago. I made a small book at the time and am still working into it. Some useful techniques and I will come back to it again. Thank you”

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Margaret Davidson

5 star rating

“Loving this course thank you Linda and Laura. It’s just what I needed this New Year to push me along new creative paths.”

“Loving this course thank you Linda and Laura. It’s just what I needed this New Year to push me along new creative paths.”

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