All Classes, Hand Stitch
Stitching into the Woods
CourseFollow every step Linda takes to create an embroidered and painted panel inspired by photographs of bluebell woods. She demonstrates every technique she uses to interpret her chosen subject in great detail so that anyone can achieve a similar result.
All Classes, Acrylic Painting
Painterly Landscape
CourseLinda demonstrates exactly how she uses a combination of acrylic paints and inks to create landscapes on watercolour paper and box canvases before developing the same theme into fabric and thread.
All Classes, Applique
Pictorial Appliqué: Birds
CourseLinda shows exactly how she chooses a suitable photograph as reference, drafts a pattern, selects the perfect fabrics and uses double-sided fusible webbing to create an appliqué panel. She’ll demonstrate free motion quilting and the final details.
All Classes, Sketchbook and Art Journal, Applique
Rubbings: Sketchbook to Applique
CourseLinda will demonstrate how to use the simple technique of rubbings in a variety of creative ways to make beautiful pages in your sketchbook. She'll then demonstrate how she uses the sketchbook ideas to inspire a lovely stitched appliqué panel.
All Classes, Fabric Painting
Surface Decoration Techniques
CourseCreate totally individual fabric surfaces using a variety of techniques. Transform a stitched textile with discharge paste, add colour with paint and finally try stencilling with paint sticks.
All Classes, Sketchbook and Art Journal
Art Diary
CourseHow about working along with Linda as she records events, people and places in a visual art diary?It’s a fascinating way to approach a creative challenge – you just let your imagination respond to each day as it happens.
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