All Classes, Fabric Painting
Surface Decoration Techniques
CourseCreate totally individual fabric surfaces using a variety of techniques. Transform a stitched textile with discharge paste, add colour with paint and finally try stencilling with paint sticks.
All Classes, Sketchbook and Art Journal
Art Diary
CourseHow about working along with Linda as she records events, people and places in a visual art diary?It’s a fascinating way to approach a creative challenge – you just let your imagination respond to each day as it happens.
All Classes, Quilting
Creative Quilting Techniques
CourseIntroduce fascinating texture, colour and pattern to your quilts. Use basic utility stitches on your sewing machines in innovative and unpredictable ways and how hand worked embroidery stitches can be used to bring exciting, painterly colour effects.
All Classes, Fabric Dyeing, Fabric Painting
Dye Painting
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Laura will demonstrate easy, but highly effective ways to colour cloth with thickened Procyon MX dyes. Explore three different methods for adding colour pattern and line using simple materials and equipment.
All Classes, Quilting
Stencilling Sampler
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Linda demonstrates a wide variety of creative techniques using stencilling to produce beautiful designs, proving that you can achieve lots of very different results using just one stencil. These techniques can be used in a range of projects.
All Classes, Fabric Dyeing
Hand Dyeing
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Laura will show you two of her favourite methods for colouring cloth with hand dyeing techniques. Use Procion MX dyes to colour natural fibre fabrics for fabulous results. You’ll only require simple equipment.
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