All Classes, To Wear, Quilting
Patchwork Portholes and Pockets
CourseLearn how to create a circular opening that can be cleverly sewn into a patchwork project, think funky porthole that enables layering of colour with glimpses through to underneath layers, or a circular feature that can be added to a garment.
All Classes, Quilting
Stencilled Iris
CourseJoin Linda to use stencilling techniques on fabric to create a floral wall quilt. She’ll show you how to use paint sticks such as Markal to stencil your design to fabric for a painterly effect. Next she’ll talk you through how to quilt it.
All Classes, To Wear
Handmade Accessories
CourseJoin Linda to make three different handmade accessories. Needlefelt and hand embellish an iPad case (or bag or book cover if you prefer), personalise a ready-made scarf using soluble stabiliser and machine stitching, and make your own precious purse.
All Classes, Quilting, Print, Monoprint
Monoprint Landscape
CourseWork with Laura to explore monoprinting methods using paper stencils to print on fabric and paper. She’ll show you how to make a series of sequenced prints. Next work on a landscape design on fabric with a central scene and border design.
All Classes, Mixed Media, Painting
Mixed Media: Digital/Paint
CourseExplore the potential of combining real paint with digital techniques. In this video collection Laura will guide you through acrylic painting with sgraffito, digital sgraffito using Procreate on the iPad, and working with printed digital paintings.
All Classes, Painting
Working with Acrylic Skins
CourseUsing acrylic skins is a fascinating way to add linear and text detail to your acrylic painting and mixed media projects. Join Laura to see how to trace a linear design and working with lettering.
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